help our troops

Jeff sent me the link to this article. ( There was an article written in the NYT painting our guys in Afghanistan as less than heroic.
“The article sensationalized the facts in a negative way, which served only to cause undue stress on the Soldiers and family members.”
We can send letters, cards, and other things to the troops to support them. In the original article (which you can read here – there is a ladies’ address to which we may send things. Spring is hard on the soldiers in Afghanistan – the bad guys come out of their caves full of mischief and evil plans. Let’s at least pray, and remember our troops.

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About Sonja

I am a wife, a mom, a homeschooler, a Christian, a scrapbooker, a cook, a baker, a reader, and a thinker. I am many other things, too, that are not so easily defined. Right now, God has been calling me to be faithful in what He has given me to do – to be the best wife, mom, homeschooler, friend, etc. that I can be. In essence, He has told me to “bloom where I’m planted”.
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