
Well we’re going to be busy the next few days!
Tomorrow we get to go to Olympia and see Laser Vaudeville. We’ve been going to these plays that the Olympia Junior Program puts on, and they have been good. This one is different, though. I’ll let you know how it turns out.
Friday we have co-op, and I feel like there is something else that day.
Saturday is our busiest day. I work in the morning (7-9), Jeff has a men’s breakfast (8:30), I’m supposed to help with flowers (10:30), there’s a shindig at Freighthouse Square where you can get all-you-can-eat chili for $5/person (all day, I think – at least ’til 5), and Jeff wants to go to the mall because Code Pink or some group is going to try and shut down the mall for the day to get the recruiting office out of the mall. These people don’t realize that the whole reason they can assemble and do these things is because our soldiers are out there protecting those rights. Check out this story –
Make sure you watch until the very end – it’s priceless!

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About Sonja

I am a wife, a mom, a homeschooler, a Christian, a scrapbooker, a cook, a baker, a reader, and a thinker. I am many other things, too, that are not so easily defined. Right now, God has been calling me to be faithful in what He has given me to do – to be the best wife, mom, homeschooler, friend, etc. that I can be. In essence, He has told me to “bloom where I’m planted”.
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