
Holy cow! It’s been a while since I blogged!!
Sorry to have been gone so long. Summer has been busy and while I have had thoughts ruminating in my head, I haven’t been able to get them on paper.
So what has been going on? We had a busy summer. Now we are back to school! While we didn’t really stop over the summer, we didn’t do school every day like we are doing now.
Daniel is doing his final test in his Gamma book (Math U See)! He will be able to move on to Delta next week!
Nicholas is flying through his Alpha book. I am almost ready to just let him do the tests and see how he does.
Jonathan is in the Zeta book. He is learning about the metric system. FUN!
All the boys enjoy handwriting. I got the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum for them. They are all doing well with it.
This year, Nicholas gets to do history. I am very excited about learning with him. 🙂
On Friday, we will have our first day of homeschool co-op. We’ll be learning some Bible verses, and studying electricity. We’re going to get to go see one of the power plants in the city and tour one of the dams that provides electricity for Tacoma and the surrounding area. Very exciting stuff! Jeff will be teaching about electricity. I think we might be doing art with Michelle again, too, which the kids absolutely loved.
I’m looking into getting the boys into piano lessons. There is a teacher covered by CVA, so I don’t think it means any out-of-pocket money for me.
On Monday, Nicholas fell while rollerskating and broke his right arm. 🙁 He was a trooper, though, and is still doing fine. They had to put a cast on, which is blue, but they didn’t have to reset his arm or sedate him at all. 🙂 God is good.
What else? I went to Sequim for the lavender festival in July. That was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed hanging out with the ladies from church. Michelle let me hold Micah a lot, so I got a good baby fix in there, too! 🙂
Our garden is growing and producing a lot of cherry tomatoes and green beans. Something happened to the big tomatoes, though, they do not taste right. And our cucumbers are growing, but we keep missing some when we harvest, so we keep getting these great big ones!! We were hoping to do pickles, but I think we’ve enjoyed eating the cukes too much to pick them when they are small.
I am hoping to do some canning this year. We have friends who will give us plums, and someone else said they had peaches … was thinking, perhaps, making the big tomatoes into sauce would help their funny taste. And I really need to can the beans!!
What else is new? The boys missed about a month of swimming and jujutsu because they were sick. It was mostly Jonathan – he had some weird lumps on his neck. They said it was a virus that attacked his lymph nodes – just the ones on his neck. When Nicholas broke his arm, the pediatrician’s office was NOT helpful (should have just advised us to go to the emergency room, not tell me they didn’t have any openings for our regular doctor, and no other openings until 2:45 [it was 12:30]!!), so I am going to change our pediatrician. Was really mad about that, and am now wondering if they misdiagnosed Jonathan. So, when we switch drs., all three boys will get a physical, just to be on top of things. 🙂
Think that is all for now.

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About Sonja

I am a wife, a mom, a homeschooler, a Christian, a scrapbooker, a cook, a baker, a reader, and a thinker. I am many other things, too, that are not so easily defined. Right now, God has been calling me to be faithful in what He has given me to do – to be the best wife, mom, homeschooler, friend, etc. that I can be. In essence, He has told me to “bloom where I’m planted”.
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