The other thing

I remembered the second thing!!! Mark one up for the memory banks!!

Jef has, and will continue to, mocked me about this, but that’s okay. I have a myspace account. Now, the reason for me having one (since Jef says it is for 12 year old girls) is simple. My friends on my mommy group online have one and post pictures. The only way to view their pictures is to be a member. So, I got an account. It isn’t anything special. I can’t for the life of me figure out how to change the background or anything cool like that … So it’s just there. But if you want to visit it, here’s the link ~ my myspace account.

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About Sonja

I am a wife, a mom, a homeschooler, a Christian, a scrapbooker, a cook, a baker, a reader, and a thinker. I am many other things, too, that are not so easily defined. Right now, God has been calling me to be faithful in what He has given me to do – to be the best wife, mom, homeschooler, friend, etc. that I can be. In essence, He has told me to “bloom where I’m planted”.
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