About Twilight

So I’ve received some comments on my going to see the Twilight movie …
Since I don’t know who sent them, and thus cannot respond to them personally, I’ll reply here.
Yes, Twilight is a book about vampires. Vampires are not real. Neither are Ents, trolls, hobbits, dragons, werewolves, fairies, fairy godparents, talking bunnies, talking ducks, scheming coyotes, the list goes on and on. I do not only read about or watch things that are real. I think God gave us imaginations; I do not think it is wrong to read about imaginary things.
No, Twilight is not about God. God is not addressed in this book – mortality is addressed later on, but that has more to do with where one goes rather than Who one meets upon death.
Yes, Twilight was a good book. It is not classic literature; I wouldn’t rate the writing of it up there with Austen or Dickens, but it was a good read. The morality of the characters is basically good – I found it refreshing to read a book that wasn’t filled with teenage angst or lots of sex.
No, Twilight does not turn one away from God. In fact, my first thought on reading the book was, “Wouldn’t it be cool if someone could write a story about Christians being the irresistible ones and how everyone wanted to be like us?”
I grew up very sheltered. In some ways, that was good and I am thankful for it. In other ways, I wish I had been more prepared for what lay ahead of me. When I got to college, I began learning how my world view differed from others’. I began to learn to evaluate all that I read and watched and heard by my world view. With our boys, we tend to talk a lot about the books they read, the shows they watch and who they hang out with. We talk about character, how you see what people believe by how they act. We talk about how some of the shows they see don’t reflect our world view. We don’t stop them from watching the shows, but we do help them see what’s right & wrong.
I don’t think people should not read Twilight. I think they should read it and evaluate it from a Christian world-view, just was we do (or should do) with all the books we read and all the TV we watch and all the radio/music we listen to. Will you refuse to read the Fellowship of the Ring because it isn’t about God? Will you refuse to read Dickens because they are just stories and not about God? I wouldn’t. I think you can see the influences of the authors. Even though Tolkien didn’t want his books to be allegories like C. S. Lewis’ books, you still see underlying threads of his belief system in the books. Dickens’ books all carry Christ-figures as major characters. In all honesty, I would be more worried about Mrs. Meyers being a Mormon than about her writing about vampires.
I can see where people are worried about the occult coming into normality (?) but that has been the case for a long time, and Twilight has nothing to do with that. The books downplay the dark stuff a lot – the vampires are trying their best to live in the world and not be monsters. In fact, Twilight is more about true, even sacrificial, love than anything else.
anyways, I’ve said my piece. Thanks for commenting. 🙂

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About Sonja

I am a wife, a mom, a homeschooler, a Christian, a scrapbooker, a cook, a baker, a reader, and a thinker. I am many other things, too, that are not so easily defined. Right now, God has been calling me to be faithful in what He has given me to do – to be the best wife, mom, homeschooler, friend, etc. that I can be. In essence, He has told me to “bloom where I’m planted”.
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  • Just read the comments from your last post. I agree with you on some level about vampires not being real. My concern is more about supporting financially things of that nature. I actually found it interesting that I hadn’t heard much about Christians protesting this movie like the Harry Potter series. I personally don’t think protesting really does much, but educating our children-like you are, does a whole lot more. We all have our “thing” that we like and don’t have an issue with. If you saw the movie and decided you wanted to have an affair with a teenage vampire, then there is a much bigger issue going on and I would say you probably shouldn’t watch stuff like that. I also want to add, that there are a lot of things in this world that are not against Christianity but still are not good for us to watch and support. But everyone must make that decision for themselves through prayer.
    Love ya Sonja! I pray you had a great Thanksgiving!

  • Thanks, Vickie.
    I wondered about the protesting, too. Although, Harry Potter is about witches and witches (unlike vampires & werewolves) are rooted in the occult. The article someone listed as a comment made note that vampires have their roots in the occult. They do not. They are fantasy, not occult.
    The other thing is, I’m not super “into” the Twilight series. I went to see the movie because two of the girls in Trek love the books & because it was a fun Girls Night Out. I don’t think anyone who went with me was enamored or enraptured either. I mean, we like the books and we like the characters, but come on – we’re grown women!!
    “I also want to add, that there are a lot of things in this world that are not against Christianity but still are not good for us to watch and support. But everyone must make that decision for themselves through prayer. ” This was my point exactly! It’s like when we were in college & we prayed for a man who was having triple or quadruple bypass surgery on his heart. Later on, someone asked for a report of how he was and this is what we heard, “he’s doing great! He went home today and on the way stopped and got a Big Mac!” Is not that a sin – something that man needs to reconcile with God, the One Who healed him?! There are many things that are not good for us. We need to be careful of what we watch, what we read, what we say, even, sometimes what we eat! But it is an individual decision between you & God. And things that are okay for you may not be okay for me & vice versa.
    I just wish people were brave enough to leave their names on their comments so I could have a dialogue with them. 🙂
    Thanksgiving was wonderful – very relaxing. How was yours?

  • Anonymous

    Nice rationalization for indulging in what God calls the occult….by the way, followers of Jesus Christ who are truly saved do not rationalize participating in occultic things….whether in deed, or in “imagination”.

    You give a witness against Jesus by your justifications for participating in what is from the side of Satan.

    The Way IS narrow….perhaps you simply don’t see the need to walk in it.

    Please don’t tell anyone that you ae a “Christian”…Jesus has enough nons, deluding themselves into thinking they are “in” His Kingdom that represent Him falsely to a dying world. Continuing that way just adds more blood to your hands.

    You are either “in” or you are “out”. There are no other choices. And if you are “in”….you obey God’s Word….all of it, and do not pick and choose for yourself what you agree with and don’t.

    Yes, you may serve god…but it’s not God, it’s one you have made up for yourself…that’s idolotry by God’s standards (those would be the 10 Commandments).

    You are guilty and found wanting. No wonder you get mad at God…you have found out that He only hears the prayers of the genuinely saved.

    That’s tough.You should probably repent ans surrendar EVERYTHING to jesus…anything less or else is only demon faith. (That would be in the book of James)

  • Jeff Minch

    People who leave ignorant, anonymous, cowardly posts make me sad.

    They call themselves “Christians” but don’t have the nerve to put their name and face on their criticism. And, thus far, all they have is criticism.

    The quote the book of James, but James died for his faith yet they are too cowardly and worried about the things of this world to even leave their name. So sad. So proud and yet so shameful.

    They think that God only only “hears the prayers of the genuinely saved” when Scripure clearly states that God hears the miserable, harsh cry of the raven and answers. God even heard the prayer of Cain, the first murderer and His mercy moved Him to take action on Cain’s behalf.

    This Scripturally ignorant, proud, cowardly poster seems to think that God belongs to them, that they have some kind of exclusive rights to God when they really have no knowledge of Him.

    They repeat the sins of the Pharisees and, while thinking they know God more than anyone else, add more and more rules to their exclusive “club” that only reveal their ignorance of Him. Until, when He finally shows up (whether it be in person, through fellow believers, or even in a blog), even He doesn’t qualify for their “club” and they criticize and crucify Him.

  • Amen Jef! Sorry Sonja that you have this anonymous poster tormenting you.
    I’m praying for you and for this person who seems to think they know more than the rest of us!
    Love ya!