This was me!

You Were an Outgoing Kid

When you were a kid, you had no problem expressing yourself.

There’s a good chance you started talking early – and never stopped!

You had a lot of friends, and unlike most kids, you weren’t shy around adults.

You were well adjusted and confident. You enjoyed speaking up and participating.

When my mom was here to visit, she said Nicholas was a lot like me when I was little because he talks and talks. 🙂

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About Sonja

I am a wife, a mom, a homeschooler, a Christian, a scrapbooker, a cook, a baker, a reader, and a thinker. I am many other things, too, that are not so easily defined. Right now, God has been calling me to be faithful in what He has given me to do – to be the best wife, mom, homeschooler, friend, etc. that I can be. In essence, He has told me to “bloom where I’m planted”.
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